Showing posts from May, 2023Show all
NASA Extends Roman Space Telescope Science Operations – Exploration of Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Exoplanets
Galactic Bubbles: Unexpected Complexity of the Milky Way’s Mysterious Structures
Reclaiming Youth – How Scientists Are Getting Around Muscle Aging
New Weapon Against Brain Cancer: Gene Engineered Cell Therapy’s Two-Pronged Assault on Metastatic Melanomas
Botox Breakthrough – New Discovery Could Save Lives
Webb Space Telescope Detects 6000-Mile Water Plume Jetting From Saturn’s Moon Enceladus
Astronomers Find First Radiation Belt Outside Our Solar System – 10 Million Times Brighter Than Jupiter’s
26% of Students – New Study Reveals Alarming Rise of Nicotine Vaping in Schools
Climate “Fingerprinting” Reveals Clear Human Influence on Atmospheric Temperature Changes
Goldilocks Galore: Hundreds of Millions of Planets in the Milky Way Could Potentially Harbor Life
Why Do Men and Women Experience Depression Differently? New Research Sheds Light
Scientists Discover Two Striking New Species of Carnivorous Plants
Genes Don’t Lie: DNA Reveals a New Twist in Human Origin Story
Hubble Explores Aftermath of Catastrophic Stellar Explosion in NGC 298
New Study: Special Mediterranean Keto Diet Could Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
Driving on the Moon: NASA Pursues Next-Generation Lunar Terrain Vehicle
Slowly Vanishing – Over 50% of the World’s Largest Lakes Are Losing Water
Scientists Induce Hibernation-Like State Using Ultrasound Stimulation of the Brain
STING Like a Bee: MIT’s Revolutionary Approach to Cancer Immunotherapy
Breaking the Cosmic Silence: First Detection of Radio Waves From Type Ia Supernova
How Old Is That Microplastic? A New Way To Unveil the Age of Oceanic Microplastics
Cancer and AI – Can ChatGPT Be Trusted?
Unraveling the Secret of Maintaining Weight-Loss: Role of Neurotensin Unveiled
Heavy Drinking Could Be Jeopardizing Your Muscles
New Study: Having a Pet Dog May Increase Your Risk of a Sleep Disorder
JPL and the Space Age: Landing on Mars  — Six Minutes of Terror (NASA Documentary)
Crazy Mystery of Jupiter’s Stunning Color Changes Finally Solved?
Scientists Discover New Probiotic That Could Protect Corals From a Mysterious and Devastating Disease
Mars Express Uncovers Collapsed Chains of Craters on Giant Martian Volcano
NASA’s Spherical Tensegrity Robots: The New Frontier in Disaster Response
New Study: Attending Live Sport Improves Well-Being
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Observations Reported by 19% of Academic Survey Respondents
New Study Confirms: 20% of Adults Don’t Want Children
Earth-Sized Exoplanet With Fiery Volcanoes Discovered in Habitable Zone
Upgraded LIGO Reactivated: Resumes Unraveling Universe’s Secrets With Enhanced Gravitational Wave Detection
Fast Food Delivery: Progress Cargo Craft Successfully Resupplies Space Station Crew
Light Control Breakthrough – Innovative Twist in Physics “A Blessing in Disguise!”
Rare Beetle Rediscovered After 55 Years
NASA: Saturn’s Rings Are Young and Could Quickly Disappear
NASA’s Twisted Discovery: First Observation of a Polar Cyclone on Uranus
Elemental Alchemy: How Scientists Replicated the Nuclear Magic of Neutron Stars
Cracking the Code of Depression: New Research Sheds Light on the Neural Mechanisms Behind the Disorder
Star Swarms Reveal a Hidden Beast: NASA’s Hubble Hunts for Black Hole Close to Earth
All Alone in the Cosmos: A Unique Galaxy Mystifies Astronomers
An Apple a Day Keeps Frailty at Bay: The Power of Quercetin Flavonol-Rich Foods
Complex Cognition: Dinosaurs Were the First To Understand Others’ Perspectives
Language Impairments Unraveled: How Mutations in a Language Gene Produce Speech Deficits
Incredibly Detailed Close-Ups of the Sun From Earth’s Most Powerful Solar Telescope
Hidden Views of Vast Stellar Nurseries Unveiled in Epic Million-Image Mosaic
New Research Reveals Why You Shouldn’t Use Mint Vapes