Cambridge’s Flexible Implants Promise New Hope for Paralysis Patients
A tiny, flexible electronic device that wraps around the spinal cord coul…
Dorothee Dormann and Edward Lemke introduce a new approach to assess personal risk fo…
NASA and its partners are launching Gateway, a lunar-orbiting space station, by 2028.…
Genetic research at Chichén Itzá has revealed the ritual sacrifice of related male ch…
Scientists at CSIC have documented a 4200 km oceanic flight from West Africa to Frenc…
Researchers have used quantum sensors to explore new particle interactions at microsc…
This research highlights that both early melting-volatilization and late accretion of…
Modern brain data does not support the classic explanation for infant helplessness. A…
Columbia University has introduced a python-teeth-inspired surgical device aimed at s…
Heat waves swept across parts of Europe, the Middle East, and South Asia, leaving vul…
After successfully drilling at “Mammoth Lakes 2,” the Curiosity mission team strategi…
Researchers at EPFL have effectively tested a new method that allows for deep explora…
Radiocarbon analysis reveals that Earth system models underestimate the carbon uptake…
Native species are unable to migrate quickly enough to escape the disruptions caused …
A new oxide catalyst coating technique significantly enhances the performance of soli…
With their “T-REX” method, DNA embedded in the polymer could be used for long-term st…
Research from Cornell University suggests that prolonged maternal care contributes to…
Researchers have developed a breakthrough iridium-free catalyst for water electrolysi…
A new model from the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Neuroscience propo…
Understanding these mechanisms offers new targets for enhancing memory, potentially w…
Melamine sponges release trillions of microplastic fibers monthly, posing environment…
Positioned between microwaves and infrared light, terahertz waves are key to pioneeri…
A recent study at MIT has debunked the effectiveness of a new MRI method called DIANA…
A research team is studying how light moves through special circuits called optical w…
Research shows that teenagers appreciate unsolicited advice when parents support thei…
Getting treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can save your life and help you f…
Recent research using wearable brain scanners offers new insights into children’s bra…
Finnish researchers have developed a technology that enables computers to understand …
Easter Island Inhabitants Found Ingenious Ways To Adapt to a Harsh Environment Recent…
Exhaust heat from commercial-scale fusion reactors might be less damaging than previo…
Architecture and Engineering firm, IDOM, completes successful final design review for…
Research suggests that drugs for enlarged prostate, like terazosin and doxazosin, may…
Researchers have developed a novel method to convert chicken fat into carbon-based el…
A UCSF study suggests that side effects like headaches and chills from COVID-19 vacci…
The serotonin-boosting actions of antidepressants are essential and relieve depressio…
Researchers in Namaqualand have found the world’s oldest termite mounds, dating 34,00…
Air pollution significantly worsens cardiovascular risks in cancer survivors, contrib…
American Diets Have a Long Way To Go To Achieve Health Equity American diets show sli…
Researchers have discovered that the microorganism Lacrymaria olor can extend its nec…
A team from UNIGE demonstrates that everyone who lived and was buried in the Barmaz n…
Researchers discovered that bismuth atoms embedded in calcium oxide can function as q…
The REVISE Trial, involving 4,800 ICU patients, demonstrates that pantoprazole reduce…
Researchers developed and enhanced BARseq, a technique to map brain cell connections …
Ahmedabad-based Physical Research Laboratory, a Unit of the Department of Space, has s…
NASA releases stunning video of Pencil Nebula, part of Vela supernova remnant. Nebula …
Over four decades, nitrous oxide emissions have risen sharply, driven mainly by agric…
In a spectacular display of cosmic activity, the Sun unleashed a powerful solar flare…
Crows can “count” vocally up to four in response to cues, showing complex vocal contr…
A study reveals that heat exposure boosts myocardial blood flow and induces ischemia …
Unlocking the secrets of the world’s most fascinating and destructive mollusk could i…
A study indicates that the social play of juvenile male bottlenose dolphins predicts …
Researchers have developed an information engine that converts molecular motion into …
The James Webb Space Telescope is actively researching small, potentially habitable e…
A tiny, flexible electronic device that wraps around the spinal cord coul…
Once thought impossible, quasicrystals revealed a hidden order that challe…
Ingenuity, NASA’s Mars Helicopter, surpassed expectations as the first air…
A tiny, flexible electronic device that wraps around the spinal cord coul…
Once thought impossible, quasicrystals revealed a hidden order that challe…