Showing posts from February, 2023Show all
Unlocking the Mystery of Unconventional Superconductivity: A Breakthrough Experiment
The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Machine Learning Uncovers Previously Undetected Signals of Interest
New Harmful Effects of Vaping: Study Finds Lung Inflammation Worse in E-Cigarette Users Than Smokers
Alarming Findings: Most U.S. Children Use Potentially Toxic Cosmetic and Body Products
A New Connection: Gut Bacteria May Play a Role in Diabetes
Astronomers Discover Rapidly Growing Black Hole in Extreme Galaxy in the Very Early Universe
Successful New First in Chronic Heart Failure Treatment Using Cell Therapy
NEOMIR: Planetary Defense Mission for Finding Dangerous Asteroids Hidden by Sun
Astral Alchemy: Researchers Synthesize Mysterious Exotic Baryon
A Hidden Hazard: Antibiotic Residues in Water Pose a Threat to Human Health
This Week at NASA: SpaceX Crew-6, Black Holes on a Collision Course, and Anniversary on Mars
How Your Facebook Friendships Could Impact Your Risk of Premature Death
NASA’s SpaceX Crew-6 Mission to the International Space Station (Official Trailer)
Magnetic Mishaps: Disturbances in the Earth’s Magnetic Field Could Lead Migrating Birds Astray
New Hope for Treatment of Rare Metabolic Brain Disease
Earth’s Structure Has a Fifth Layer: Bouncing Seismic Waves Reveal Secrets of the Planet’s Inner Core
NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array Reveals Hidden Light Shows on the Sun
Revolutionizing Agriculture: The Next Frontier of Farming on the Moon
Scientists Warn: Too Little Sodium Can Be Deadly to Heart Failure Patients
One of the Oldest Ever Found: New Ancient “Marine Crocodile” Discovered
Building a Better Opioid: Scientists Take Another Step Forward
Researchers Measure Size-Luminosity Relation of Galaxies Less Than a Billion Years After Big Bang
Unexpected: Scientists Discover Secreted Protein Enhances Muscle Growth and Strength
500,000 People Miss Out on Life-Saving Drugs, Sparking a Potential Surge of Heart Attacks and Strokes
Several Oceanic Bottom Circulation Collapses Discovered by Chinese Scientists
The Power of a Negative Mood: How It Enhances Analytical Thinking
Scientists Discover a Startling Potential Link Between Marijuana Legalization and Asthma
Reversed With a Single Drug – “Incurable” Liver Disease May Be Curable
Shocking Research Shows Changes in Children’s Face Shapes Linked to Mothers’ Alcohol Consumption Before and During Pregnancy
The Least Costly Yet: Scientists Unveil a New Carbon Capture System
Closing the Carbon Cycle: Plastic Upcycling Converts Plastic Bags To Fuel
Revolutionizing Mechanobiology: New Electromagnetic Device Sets New Standard for Tissue Testing
NASA and SpaceX Announce Update to Crew-6 Mission to the International Space Station
New Study: Evolution of Uniquely Human DNA Was a Delicate Balancing Act
Dry Scooping: A Risky Dietary Practice Popular Among Boys and Young Men
Scientists Warn: Amplifying Feedback Loops Make Climate Action Even More Urgent
Just One Degree Can Have a Big Impact on a Species
Outsmarting COVID-19: Weaponizing the Spike Protein Against Itself To Prevent Infection
New Study Links Premature Birth to Worse School Grades
Earthly Applications of Cosmic Dust: Unveiling the Secrets of Interstellar Dust Grains
Surprising Research Reveals Rampant Violence in Early Farming Societies
Nanoparticles Self-Assemble to Create Revolutionary Solar Energy Harvesting Solution
Neuroimaging Study Finds the Brain Works Like a Resonance Chamber
Oversensitive Sensory Neurons Can Cause Joint Deformities – But It Can Be Treated
The Dark Side of Keeping Up With Politics: A Toll on Our Mental Health
Actin: A Protein That Helps Drive Cancer Metastasis
How AI Can Help Create and Optimize Drugs To Treat Opioid Addiction
Surpassing All Existing Designs – Researchers Develop High-Voltage Microbattery With Exceptional Energy and Power Density
How Does Vitamin D Impact a Child’s Development?
Unlocking Effective Weight Loss: Investigating the Impact of “Hyper-Palatable” Foods Across Four Diets