This “Impossible” Crystal Is Changing What We Know About Reality
Once thought impossible, quasicrystals revealed a hidden order that challe…
Scientists at Oregon State University have made a key advancement in understanding ne…
A new study has found a link between consuming nitrites from drinking water and diet …
It said the presence of BQ.1 sub-lineage has been seen in eastern, southern, western a…
Insulin is a vital hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating sugar metabolism i…
Gamma-ray bursts are the brightest explosions in the cosmos, emitting intense gamma r…
To protect the health of the public, national and international health agencies evalua…
According to a new study by researchers at Penn Medicine, ketamine, which is well-kno…
Exploring the universe’s earliest galaxies with NASA’s new space telescope. A team of…
Recent research conducted by the Universities of Bonn and Heidelberg sheds light on a…
Hairpin-shaped DNA interacts with microRNA in cancer cells, activating an immune resp…
Scripps Research scientists have identified how the structure of the PI3Kα protein ch…
The missing piece in reconstructing the Earth’s climate history also provides a new u…
What is behind dark energy — and what connects it to the cosmological constant introd…
A new immunotherapy releases cancer-killing cytokines only within the tumor. Research…
According to a study published in the journal Neurology, people who suffer from clust…
Scientists from China, Germany, and the UK led by Prof. LIU Feng from the Nanjing Ins…
'All is not well in Ladakh,' Sonam Wangchuk has written to Prime Minister Nare…
'All is not well in Ladakh,' Sonam Wangchuk has written to Prime Minister Nare…
New study of T. rex and other dinosaur teeth provides insights into their dietary hab…
The study examined the impact of celecoxib and indomethacin, two types of non-steroid…
A large international collaboration utilized the Diamond Light Source, the UK’s natio…
Scientists can use a combination of advanced machine learning and sequential sampling…
According to a study recently published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, South Ca…
The Latest Permian Mass Extinction (LPME) was the largest extinction in Earth's hi…
Researchers have discovered a method for creating new materials for use in batterie…
A team of researchers from HudsonAlpha, the University of Memphis, and the University…
Study finds that prairie voles without oxytocin receptors can bond with mates and you…
Researchers have discovered that the hypertension drug rilmenidine can extend lifespa…
In an effort to understand the relationship between online gaming behavior and career…
A new study led by the University of Bath in the UK has found that harmful fungal tox…
Researchers uncover neuronal circuitry tuned to rewarding forms of social touch, open…
Future planetary missions could explore in extremely cold temperatures that stymie ex…
For many years, researchers have been studying a state park in Nevada, but despite th…
Curtin University-led research into the durability and age of an ancient asteroid mad…
Contrary to previous findings, the increase in prevalence disproportionately affected…
Göttingen University joins forces with other researchers to study the impact of resou…
According to researchers from the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research work…
The asteroid, known as 2023 BU, was discovered on Saturday and is believed to be betwe…
New research published in The FASEB Journal indicates that e-cigarettes can cause cel…
However, speeding the transition might nearly cancel the effect. First, the bad news:…
The conveyor belt helps transport an essential agricultural fertilizer from the remot…
Dementia is a debilitating condition that affects a person’s ability to remember, thi…
The ability to amplify optical signals in optical fibers to their quantum limit is a …
UCSC researchers suggest that introns, a source of molecular complexity unique to euk…
A new material has been discovered by scientists that can accelerate the healing of d…
While the impact wouldn’t be much on the life on Earth, but it surely can influence th…
Scientists from the Department of Neurology at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical Sc…
While they may not have all the benefits of other vegetables, potatoes can still be a…
The conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into carbon monoxide (CO) through electrochemi…
Daily stress can have negative effects on an individual’s health, both physically and…
A team of researchers has developed a new technique for producing ultrathin and light…
A recent scientific statement from the American Heart Association summarizes the curr…
The presence of striations and residue reveal the techniques used in harvesting. A st…
Scientists have worked out why common anti-depressants cause around half of users to …
One of last year’s space highlights was the NASA DART mission’s collision with Dimorp…
A recent study highlights the potential of grapes in providing photoprotection. A rec…
Preparing for a more powerful space station … Building a more fuel-efficient aircraft…
Once thought impossible, quasicrystals revealed a hidden order that challe…
Ingenuity, NASA’s Mars Helicopter, surpassed expectations as the first air…
A University at Buffalo study reveals that a strain isolated from contamin…
Once thought impossible, quasicrystals revealed a hidden order that challe…
Ingenuity, NASA’s Mars Helicopter, surpassed expectations as the first air…