Cambridge’s Flexible Implants Promise New Hope for Paralysis Patients
A tiny, flexible electronic device that wraps around the spinal cord coul…
NASA’s BioSentinel – a shoebox-sized CubeSat designed to learn what happens to life i…
Elon Musk's Neuralink is expecting to get USFDA approval for conducting human tria…
Ancient Iowan superpredator got big by front-loading its growth in its youth. Fossils…
The number of daily stressors and people's sensitivity to everyday stressors dimin…
Longer work weeks were strongly associated with a higher increase in depression sympt…
Researchers are working to determine the best way for anti-cancer drugs to get to the…
The male-to-female ratios in Delhi have increased over the past 15 years. from mint …
A deep learning model that uses a single chest X-ray to predict the 10-year risk of d…
New research reveals why comorbidities persist in people living with HIV, despite sup…
The potential therapy was derived from a banana protein. A study published on January…
16 of the 35 planetary vital indicators used by the researchers to measure climate ch…
Researchers have created fluorophores between 2.4 and 20 times more intense than anal…
Physicists model more than one million equations of state to uncover other previously…
Basal-like breast cancers, also known as triple-negative cancers, are a particularly a…
Research findings could help explain rare symptoms such as problems with language and…
Immune checkpoints are a normal part of the immune system. Their function is to preve…
The NIA Interventions Testing Program, which included UT Health San Antonio, worked w…
A team of astronomers used the James Webb Telescope (JWST) to identify the most dista…
The study, which was just published in PLOS One, found that TikTok is largely dominate…
The new study analyzed soil samples brought back from the Chang’E-5 mission. Accordin…
How old is California’s Yosemite Valley? First-time visitors to Yosemite Valley stare…
According to a new study, fossils of a tiny sea creature with a delicately preserved …
A simple animal model shows how stimuli and states such as smells, stressors, and sat…
The warming during the summer months in Europe has been much faster than the global a…
Dementia could be detected nine years earlier. Researchers from the University of Cam…
Most robust inventory to date catalogs SGRBs’ host galaxies and characteristics. Usin…
Stability in Asymmetry By breaking the symmetry of their environment, scientists demo…
The new technique is “like upgrading from the Hubble to the James Webb.” A new imagin…
Additionally, owners of “original” profiles are rated as being smarter, funnier, and …
The study reveals cosmic rays are driving galaxies’ winds An important new hint regar…
Compared to some of the other flights this past year, Ingenuity Mars Helicopter’s Fli…
Where does that energy come from? Landfalling North Atlantic tropical cyclones (TCs) …
550-million-year-old creatures’ message to the present. Earth is currently in the mid…
Researchers at Scripps Research examined how the levels of various proteins in brain …
Cephalopods like octopuses, squids, and cuttlefish are highly intelligent animals wit…
Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz find that the overexpression of a …
Surprisingly, certain patients with the mutated PDE3A gene were immune to hypertensio…
Nonlinear decision-making with enzymatic neural networks DNA can be utilized to relia…
A multi-institutional team has created an efficient method for measuring high-dimensi…
Researchers from the University of Auckland have discovered that new combinations and…
The early rise in RSV cases and hospitalizations this year might be due to prior Covid…
Photosystem I in plants reveals a hitherto unobserved face/Molecular examination with…
According to new research, people who eat or drink more foods with antioxidant flavon…
ISRO PSLV-C54 launch is scheduled at 11.56 am on November 26, Saturday from mint - S…
The theory of acoustic levitation is extended by new research, which also highlights …
Researchers uncover a treatment combination that is particularly effective against dr…
Leading cardiologist experts believe that polypills could avoid millions of premature…
An approval to the Indian shot from the DCGI could help in the global fight against de…
Observations of Exoplanet WASP-39b show fingerprints of atoms and molecules, as well …
The World Health Organization (WHO) is looking to rename monkeypox to 'MPOX' t…
Infected people are known to develop long-lasting natural immunity, however, Finderup …
Tantalizing opportunities for the six-wheeler’s science team while exploring a sedime…
Several new stadiums were built in and around Doha for the World Cup. Thirty-two team…
New research suggests that mindful use of smartphones may enhance productivity. Have…
Photosynthesis is used by marine bacteria to take in carbon dioxide. Scientists may …
The WHO also said that these pathogens can guide global investment, research and devel…
Recent research shows that Finnish men with higher IQs are more likely to bet on hors…
Remarkable accuracy – a sepsis diagnosis tool combines genetic sequencing with analy…
The black hole is over 1 billion light-years away. A team of astronomers has found a…
A deeper understanding of Antarctic Bottom Water. Researchers have learned new infor…
New research reveals the relationship between stress, obesity, and appetite. Research…
A tiny, flexible electronic device that wraps around the spinal cord coul…
Once thought impossible, quasicrystals revealed a hidden order that challe…
Ingenuity, NASA’s Mars Helicopter, surpassed expectations as the first air…
A tiny, flexible electronic device that wraps around the spinal cord coul…
Once thought impossible, quasicrystals revealed a hidden order that challe…