This “Impossible” Crystal Is Changing What We Know About Reality
Once thought impossible, quasicrystals revealed a hidden order that challe…
Set for launch in November, Lunar Flashlight is a small satellite mission that will u…
The Scripps Research team demonstrated that a variant of an existing FDA-approved tre…
A new study leverages math in improving commonly used exposure therapy to overcome fe…
Better than opiates: Researchers use adrenaline receptors for highly-effective pain r…
In new research, Griffith University scientists have demonstrated that a bacteria can…
First induced pluripotent stem cell model of PTSD offers insights into underlying gen…
For Indigenous Australians, carvings in boab trees are as significant as rock art. No…
Health benefits come from eating during the daytime, demonstrating a potential link t…
El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an irregular periodic variation in winds and s…
A new study suggests that hundreds of so-far unidentified species of mammals are hidin…
One of the main benefits of assigning universally accepted distinct names is that it h…
A compound that both inhibits the MRSA superbug and renders it more vulnerable to ant…
Mount Terror might sound like a place to avoid. But this Antarctic volcano is not as …
The mission team continues to complete testing of the spacecraft’s flight software in…
For the first time, physicists have observed novel quantum effects in a topological i…
Reach for the stars because you might just become one! Drina Shah has a fascination w…
The CE-20 engine is assigned for the LVM3-M3 mission identified for launching the next…
New light has been shed on a mysterious, unpredictable, and potentially devastating k…
Petra Zimmermann, MD, Ph.D. of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and Nigel Curt…
Halloween is almost here, which means costumes, scary movies, and lots of candy. In t…
Adolescents and young adults have a particularly high prevalence of the condition. Ac…
Leaks from gas stoves can create potentially hazardous indoor benzene concentrations.…
‘Like conductive Play-Doh’: breakthrough could point way to a new class of materials …
The work validates almost a century of sea level science. Sea levels experience a biz…
Getting less than five hours of sleep in mid-to-late life could be linked to an incre…
Many women feel anxious or depressed during perimenopause. Researchers are looking at …
A new, promising target for treating premature aging. Werner Syndrome and Hutchinson…
Agency cited technical issues with vaping company’s application, not risk of underage …
ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft takes us over the Holden Basin – part of a region that …
NASA’s Juno spacecraft saw Ganymede cast a large, dark spot on Jupiter during its 40t…
New research provides experimental evidence that late eating reduces energy expenditu…
When Rose Ferreira first saw an image of a field of galaxies and galaxy clusters from…
The discovery of a fossil “treasure hoard” illuminates the rise of fishes. Researche…
World Meteorological Organisation, the weather agency of the UN has informed that thre…
A recent study finds that prenatal acetaminophen usage is associated with sleep and a…
The WHO FPPL list is divided into three categories: critical, high and medium priority…
Reconfigurable antenna can transmit and receive signals over multiple radio-frequency…
Scientists reveal how an intranasally delivered oxytocin derivative could be used to …
The gene matures the skeleton of the cell. “I’m a professional pin-in-a-haystack seek…
Using laboratory models, scientists discovered that ingesting FDA-approved levels of …
Eating walnuts may reinforce favorable health effects such as improved diet quality a…
Research led by Harvard University offers new, sharper proof of early plate tectonics…
The next cargo mission to resupply the Expedition 68 crew is prepared to launch to th…
At 6:46 p.m. EDT on Sunday, October 23, 2022, the uncrewed Roscosmos Progress 80 spac…
Brain fog is not a medical diagnosis, but rather the description patients tend to use …
Scripps Research and Calibr scientists collaborated to discover potential therapeutic…
A new and improved way to produce an acclaimed cancer-fighting compound. Researchers …
Adults who use cannabis experience more pain after surgery compared to people who don…
Gravitational waves identify what could be a rare one-in-1000 event. Astronomers at C…
The Black Death shaped the evolution of immunity genes, setting the course for how we…
There's still a lot to be learned, but here's what we know so far about the sy…
The analysis found that of the 253,406 livers transplanted between 1990-2022, 25 liver…
It’s can be impossible to hide from a female mosquito—she will hunt down any member o…
How coastal ocean currents increase Antarctic ice shelf melt. A new model suggests th…
High-tech quantum sensors could guide vehicles without satellites, if they can handle…
Rare Chinese fossil teeth have changed scientists’ beliefs about the evolution of ver…
‘Chandrayaan-3 is almost ready. Final integration and testing are almost complete. Sti…
All 36 satellites were injected into the orbits around 75 minutes after the rocket bla…
Advanced Genomic Approaches Hold Promise for Marine Conservation Although genetic and…
Precision measurement of how a proton’s structure deforms in an electric field has re…
Between a variety of mosquito-borne diseases, most notably malaria, nearly one millio…
Kitt Peak National Observatory telescope helps determines that Jupiter-like Planet is…
Another crucial milestone toward its first flight has been achieved by NASA’s X-57 Ma…
Once thought impossible, quasicrystals revealed a hidden order that challe…
Ingenuity, NASA’s Mars Helicopter, surpassed expectations as the first air…
A University at Buffalo study reveals that a strain isolated from contamin…
Once thought impossible, quasicrystals revealed a hidden order that challe…
Ingenuity, NASA’s Mars Helicopter, surpassed expectations as the first air…